12 Years of Emotional Support
For twelve years, Dallas the familiar long blonde-haired Chihuahua at CCYA has served as a Therapeutic Emotional Support Dog for more than 1000 youth. Rescued from her own maltreatment situation, Dallas knows firsthand what CCYA youth need when it comes to comfort and support.
First and foremost, Dallas has continued to be a big part of our intake process, sitting with youth when they first arrive, taking outdoor walks with those needing a fresh-air break and participating in more than ten thousand hours of individual counseling sessions. Along the way, she has even inspired several residents to pursue dog grooming careers. But perhaps most valuable is how Dallas continues to provide the intimate touch and affection of hugs and snuggles that foster care youth in group care often miss from a parent each day.
Outcomes from our Animal Therapy and Animal Assisted Therapy programs:
Increased youth participation in counseling sessions when Dallas is involved.
Improved communication and interaction skills with others.
Expressed feelings of attachment and empathy towards animals and people.
Demonstrated responsibility through a willingness and initiative to help care for Dallas.
To help support the care for CCYA Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) dogs,
click DONATE NOW and designate your donation to AAT Animal Care,