Residential Programs
Residential Programs
Preparing Youth for Independence
Through case management and supportive housing services, CCYA helps youth to achieve the following Goals:
Preparing Youth for Independence
Through case management and supportive housing services, CCYA helps youth to achieve the following Goals:
Earned high school diploma or GED.*
Sustained safe and suitable housing.
Enrollment in college, vocational/tech school, trade internship/training program, or job management training program.
Maintained part-time employment.
Career plan with outlined steps.
Improved physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Graduated Independence through increased social & emotional stability.
Earning income and established savings account.
Pursuit of at least one personal interest, talent, or hobby.
Learned life skills for independence and self-sufficiency (laundry, cleaning, drivers permit, cooking, budgeting & money management, communication skills, social relationships, . . .).
Transition to permanent housing (own apartment, college dormitory, relative or family friend home, foster home, adoptive home, guardian's home, Job Corps, other identified permanent housing).
Earned high school diploma or GED.*
Sustained safe and suitable housing.
Enrollment in college, vocational/tech school, trade internship/training program, or job management training program.
Maintained part-time employment.
Career plan with outlined steps.
Improved physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Graduated Independence through increased social & emotional stability.
Earning income and established savings account.
Pursuit of at least one personal interest, talent, or hobby.
Learned life skills for independence and self-sufficiency (laundry, cleaning, drivers permit, cooking, budgeting & money management, communication skills, social relationships, . . .).
Transition to permanent housing (own apartment, college dormitory, relative or family friend home, foster home, adoptive home, guardian's home, Job Corps, other identified permanent housing).
Residential Programs
Preparing Youth for Independence
Through case management and supportive housing services, CCYA helps youth to achieve the following Goals:
Earned high school diploma or GED.*
Sustained safe and suitable housing.
Enrollment in college, vocational/tech school, trade internship/training program, or job management training program.
Maintained part-time employment.
Career plan with outlined steps.
Improved physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Graduated Independence through increased social & emotional stability.
Earning income and established savings account.
Pursuit of at least one personal interest, talent, or hobby.
Learned life skills for independence and self-sufficiency (laundry, cleaning, drivers permit, cooking, budgeting & money management, communication skills, social relationships, . . .).
Transition to permanent housing (own apartment, college dormitory, relative or family friend home, foster home, adoptive home, guardian's home, Job Corps, other identified permanent housing).