Calling all Schools, Scout Troops, Civic Groups, Faith Based organizations, Companies, and Communities - - -
Here's how to take the CCYA Pajama Pants Challenge:
#1: Pick your date and host a CCYA Pajama Pants Challenge to raise awareness and support for homeless and foster care youth.
#2: Invite students, teachers, club members, workers, congregation members and more to donate $1.00 or more to wear their favorite pair of pajama pants to school, work, church, . . . Be creative, host competitions and challenges between classes, grade levels, and company departments to increase awareness and support.
#3: When someone asks WHY you are wearing your pajama pants, tell them "Because Every Youth Deserves a Safe Place to Sleep!"
#4: Get the word out! Post photos and news on your social media to share your groups' Pajama Pants Challenge and share photos for CCYA to post.
#5: Contact Angela Thornton at CCYA by calling 770-333-9447 x135 or emailing athornton@ccyakids.org to schedule a delivery or CCYA pick up of your groups' donation; or make your donation online by clicking the Donate button on this web site; or mail a check to CCYA Pajama Pants Challenge, 2221 Austell Road, SW, Marietta, Georgia 30008.
Note: Upon request, CCYA can provide paper bracelets that can be exchanged for donations in the days leading up to your challenge date to help promote the drive and engage more participants.
Your groups' generous donations will fund: meals and snacks, shelter utilities (water, electricity, and gas), bus passes and van transportation fuel, school fees for extracurricular activities (sports, band, chorus, clubs, prom and homecoming dance tickets), school project supplies, innovative therapies (music, movement, EMDR), gap medical and dental services that are not covered by Medicaid, needed undergarments, personal care items, birthday gifts, and much more.
CCYA periodically has full or part-time Resident Advisor opportunities, and is currently seeking PRN's for 2nd & 3rd shifts, weekends and holidays (must be at least 25 years old). Candidates should email a cover letter and resume to hr@ccyakids.org